6 Tips for Harnessing a Gen Z Employee

#Graduates #Hiring #Onboarding

Don’t worry, this isn’t one of those “get off my lawn” moments... We're here to tell you that Gen Z’s do some things pretty well and can certainly be an asset to your business!

We know that “Z’s” are well educated, able to multitask, skilled in technology, self-confident, and have plenty of energy. They value success and are remarkably commonsensical when it comes to things like debt.  They seek innovation, causes, social interactions and equality.

To sum up Gen Z employees they are:

  • Informed
  • Able to juggle tasks
  • Tech savvy
  • Energetic
  • Social
  • Ambitious

The real question is how do your harness these attributes in your business?


Z’s are more curious and informed than any other generation. They have access to information at their fingertips and are not afraid to search! They are more likely to  search for innovation and insights to assist your business. The fresh perspective can add new products and services and improve your processes and systems. Allow Z’s to be curious and to learn and encourage them to apply this to their job.


Z’s can juggle many responsibilities at once so set expectations and track deadlines on a daily and weekly basis. Help them to schedule and manage tasks from day one. Once they have a structure to how you want them to work, they can manage multiple deliverables.


Many employers assume every Z can code and therefore build their entire technology stack. Pump the brakes on that! They have grown up in the face of ever-changing technology which means they expect evolution. Allow them to evaluate, simplify and optimise your technology and processes.


Millennials are ambitious and are prepared to go and get it. They are always plugged in (via technology) and will attack projects with vigour. Ensure that you assign tasks with deadlines and find an angle that appeals to the team member by reiterating the importance to the company to ensure buy in and commitment.


Z’s operate across communities managing online friendships along with physical pals. They can mobilise quickly using technology and are motivated by causes and interests. Ensure that there are opportunities to work in teams on projects and encourage ideation sessions or workshops to foster collaboration and don’t worry about everyone being in the same room!


Generation Zer’s want to be successful and to develop their careers so ensure you inform them of opportunities and allow them (where possible) to experience multiple facets of the business. It’s also important to identify the milestones and expectations that must be met in order to develop and progress.

Ready to hire enthusiastic Gen Z employees?